©TaRL Africa 1

Module 1: Introduction to reading assessment

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This module explores the importance of foundational reading skills and introduces the tasks in the foundational reading assessment tool.

©TaRL Africa 2

Module 2: Creating a comfortable environment for children

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This module explains some concrete steps to make the child comfortable during the foundational reading assessment.

©Pratham Education Foundation 3

Module 3: How to assess foundational reading

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This module discusses the process of conducting foundational reading assessments using real case studies.

©TaRL Africa 4

Module 4: Putting assessment results together

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In this module, you will learn how to summarize and understand the reading assessment results for each child and the class as a whole. These results can then serve as a basis for instruction.

©Pratham Education Foundation 5

Module 5: Development of tools

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This module explains guidelines for item development and how to adapt tools for different contexts.

©ASER Centre 6

Quiz on Reading Assessment

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Take a short quiz on the foundational reading assessment tool and how to administer it!